I've smoked marijuana once or twice in my life and it did nothing much for me. Probably because I'm so tight and it costs such a big chunk out of my weekly budget. *laughs* I've also seen what it does to those who experience psychosis, paranoia or extreme lack of motivation due to regular and prolonged use. But if they're consenting fully informed adults doing this, I have less of a problem with it, than if people are growing it to sell and push to others, especially teens and young adults.
I don't think it's necessarily great for you or a wise choice, but if someone was growing a single plant or two for their own use, I'm less inclined to get upset about it and demand police resources, than for large crops, drug pushers and harder drugs. Probably because our police are stretched thin anyway, and as wrong and sad as it is, sometimes battles have to be picked and lesser ones let go. And I've had personal experience battling the police to investigate a serious crime against me, and for whatever reason, they were less than helpful. So to stretch police resources and get hardened criminals and drug dealers off the streets, I guess I'm "in favour" (for want of a better description) of letting go some of the smaller personal marijuana users.
I'm definitely in favour of marijuana used in cancer treatment and for pain relief. But that of course is another issue.
Phew! I'm so nervous typing this as I so rarely voice opinions, that even doing it this way, is scary for me. Be gentle on me *smiles*.
Shadow Girl
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